Patient Monitoring

Patient Monitoring Systems

patient monitoring equipment patient monitoring equipment

In the era of wearables, remote patient monitoring, and diverse monitoring modalities, launching novel patient monitoring systems is a formidable undertaking—demanding acumen in biomechanics, interconnect systems, and wireless technology.

ATL capitalizes on our engineer-to-engineer approach, collaboratively empowering leading medical device companies to realize comprehensive patient monitoring systems and medical wearables. From custom interconnect solutions to sensor technology, injection molded parts, flex assemblies, and beyond, our engagement spans the spectrum.

Our extensive involvement in pioneering patient monitoring technology equips us to engineer a tailored solution that guarantees seamless performance, ensuring your innovation remains in perfect sync.

Ensuring seamless, uninterrupted collection of accurate patient diagnostics throughout the surgical journey remains a paramount concern for healthcare providers.

Satisfying this objective without resorting to invasive device implantation is a shared aspiration among healthcare institutions and medical device enterprises.

In pursuit of this vision, strides in non-invasive patient monitoring devices and methods play a pivotal role.

Harnessing next-generation ultrasound devices together with state-of-the-art continuous patient monitoring technologies has significantly elevated physicians' diagnostic prowess, eliminating the need for invasive procedures.

ATL's extensive proficiency in innovative ultrasound devices positions us to collaborate with you in forging a tailored solution. This solution, founded on our complete medical device expertise, empowers your non-invasive patient monitoring devices to deliver precise diagnostic insights when they matter most.

Wearable medical devices are reshaping healthcare dynamics, facilitating the remote transmission of critical diagnostic information from patients to doctors. This breakthrough is leading to reduced hospital stays and faster patient recovery.

Remote patient monitoring technology equips healthcare providers to proactively detect health irregularities before they escalate.

Beyond the doctor-patient relationship, wearables foster healthier lives by tracking personal health data and leveraging machine learning for actionable insights.

Creating wearable medical devices that capture precise data is intricate. It demands expertise in wireless technology, miniaturization, data transmission, and diverse docking and charging requirements. Success hinges on understanding user needs, limitations, and habits that can impact device effectiveness.

ATL draws on extensive experience in cutting-edge wearable technology to collaboratively craft tailored solutions. Our expertise ensures your medical wearable accurately captures vital patient diagnostics and conveys them seamlessly when needed.

Securing a partner to sustain your patient monitoring or medical wearable product throughout its lifecycle is a challenging endeavor.

ATL Technology employs an engineer-to-engineer approach, guaranteeing direct collaboration with our hands-on engineering team from the initial concept to project completion.

Paired with our worldwide manufacturing and engineering proficiency, we're primed to optimize your operational efficiency and minimize supply chain vulnerabilities.

To explore how ATL can collaborate with you on launching your patient monitoring system, connect with us today.

ATL's Patient Monitoring and Medical Device Wearable Capabilities

Phillips Alar Phillips Alar
Flex printed circuit board, or flex assembly Flex printed circuit board, or flex assembly
Akura Square Akura Square
An example of ATL's surface mount technology capabilities An example of ATL's surface mount technology capabilities
Examples of ATL's cable extrusion capabilities Examples of ATL's cable extrusion capabilities
Flex printed circuit board, or flex assembly Flex printed circuit board, or flex assembly

ATL's capabilities allow many customizations to help meet your sensor requirements. 

Our capabilities include:

  • Sensor Integration
  • Product Sealing
  • Wireless Integration (Wi-fi, etc...)
  • Software Integration
  • Laser/Ultrasonic Welding
  • Adhesive Knowledge
  • Vertical Integration (wire/cable, molding, SMT line)
  • Charging Stations
  • ISO 13485 & FDA Registered
  • Final Pack And Ship Capabilities
Akura Square Akura Square

ATL was built on interconnect solutions expertise. Starting with our AKURA® line of connectors and receptacles, and ranging throughout the connector spectrum; ATL can design, develop, and produce an interconnect solution to meet your project's needs.

An example of ATL's surface mount technology capabilities An example of ATL's surface mount technology capabilities

ATL's surface mount technology capabilities:

  • Board Size: 50mm (Min), 450mm (Max), 1.2~2.8mm Thickness
  • Placement Accuracy: ±0.04mm
  • Smallest Component: .01005
  • Placement Speed: 0.14 Sec
  • Chips Per Hour: 23,500
  • Wave Soldering
  • Reflow Soldering
  • Selective Wave Soldering
Examples of ATL's cable extrusion capabilities Examples of ATL's cable extrusion capabilities

Utilizing ATL's vertically integrated cable production, we combine our cabling and interconnect expertise to produce market-leading cable assemblies to support medical device wearables solutions.

ATL's cable extrusion capabilities: 

  • 8 Extrusion Machines (25mm to 70 mm)
  • Single Wire (UL and Non-UL)
  • Multi-conductor Cable
  • Round and Flat Cable
  • Shielded Cable (Spiral and Braid)
  • Co-extrusion (Cable with Tubes) 
  • Materials
    • FEP, ETFE, PFA, Kynar
    • Nylon, Pebax
    • Copper, Alloy (Cu-Si, Cu-Sn, Cu-Mg) and Tinsel


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